Are You Having A Technology Emergency?

Professional IT Support for Your Cabling Needs

Troubleshooting Cabling Issues & Network Solutions

Over the years we have listened to our clients and implemented many ways to request support based on their needs.  If you have an idea let us know! Connect to us Now!

Get Phone Support

(212) 532-9500
(516) 285-2224

Speak to a support team member on the phone now!
Create Ticket by Portal

Submit a Ticket

Create and manage tickets via our Portal.
Create Ticket by Email

Ticket by Email

Send an email to the Help Desk to create a ticket.
Create Ticket by Voicemail

(212) 532-9500

Dictate your issue straight to a voice mail ticket.
free consult support option
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Remote Support

Allow us to connect to your system remotely.